When I thought May was hectic, I was anticipating that June would go a little slower. Somehow the month is gone and I have yet to post all our Pinterest yumminess. I feel like my relationship with Pinterest is slowly waning. Or perhaps it's just gone from a totally crazy addiction to something that relates more to normal life?! Anyways...glad summer is upon us! And while I wish that our schedule will be more relaxing for a few months, so my Pinterest interest can take back over, I can't quite envision days of relaxing by the pool, watching the kids swim while I pin away. But I will try to keep it in mind so that when we end up running around with craziness I will sit back, relax and find need those lazy days of summer to regain our equilibrium!

I'm glad to say I squeezed in a couple of crafts last month. The first was a quick sewing project for Moose. M&M received a beautiful homemade dress from her Grammy for her birthday last month. We have our annual church convention in June that we dress up for and so Emma's new dress was put on the list of clothes to pack. My type A personality shines when it comes to special occasions as I have to have all four of us matching. We all had yellow and black to match M&M, excluding Moose. I whipped up this tie from some of the leftover material of the dress. Literally....whipped it up the day before we left. Easiest sewing project ever!!! Only adjustments I'd make for next time is use more material that can hide the elastic neckband. Moose's head is rather oval and more elastic would make it easier as it just barely squeezes over his egg shaped head. I meant to take a picture of him in it, but here's the version before it was tied around the neckband.
Toddler Ties via Rebekah's
Pinterest via
Vanilla Joy

Second craft was a little present for the many teachers who are special to M&M. Found this idea on Pinterest and the schoolgirl had fun helping me paint and pot the flowers. We did the smaller sizes for the teachers and support staff that she sees less of and the big ones for the teachers she has all day. Also a fun and quick project. She did a great job with her name and heart on the back. She started out the year knowing the E in her name, progressed to a backwards spelling, and got it perfect by the end, among a few other things.
Thank You Pot via Rebekah's
Pinterest via
Brenda Writes A Blog

I had some cilantro that I wanted to cook with and I felt like shrimp would be really yummy with it. It was good, although nothing exceptional. The hubby would have liked a bit more sauce with the shrimp, and I was wanting the sauce to be creamier, rather than so overpoweringly lemony. That being said, I often find that we don't get enough of a sauce when doing oil based pasta's at home. I'd like to know how the restaurant's do it.
Cilantro Shrimp via Rebekah's
Pinterest...no recipe as the blog has been removed : (

I made several versions of these muffins last month and this month. They were delicious either way. The original recipe was Inside out carrot cake muffins. Instead of having cheese cream frosting like the cake version, you slipped the cream cheese inside for a yummy surprise. The first time I didn't have any carrots that I wanted to be rid of, but I did have some bananas that were on their way out, so I did a banana muffin with the cream cheese surprise. The second time I tried the original recipe and I'd say both versions were equally good. Being partial to banana bread myself...they might take the cake, so to speak. Instead of the giant sugar crystals on top, I used a mixture of brown sugar, butter, and flour.
Inside Out Carrot Cake Muffins via Rebekah's
Pinterest via
Recipie by Photo
Here's to more mornings of sleeping in!! Have a relaxing summer.

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