We ended up with this one for the laundry:
And this one for the kids room:
On to our treats! I made these yummy Oreo cheesecake treats. They had a whole Oreo as the base and I loved how it stayed crunchy despite the cooking so that the top cheesecake layer would set.
Having said winter is my favorite season, we still attempted our own little project to welcome spring. Clear glass vases with rocks, water (just up to the top of the rocks), and tulip bulbs.
Tulip bulbs via Rebekah's Pinterest via Off the Wall (Not sure about that link. It looked like a dead end when I checked it just now?! I literally used the instructions that were already in the pin when I pinned it.)

Another recipe I used for dessert came recommended by a friend. Chocolate Chip Stuffed Cheesecake Bars were a quick one to throw together, because they use premade cookie dough (Pillsbury, etc.) The most time consuming was smooshing the dough into the bottom and top layer. I was worried the cheesecake in the middle was going to ooze everywhere when I got to the top layer, so I pre-smooshed (yes, I realize that's probably a made up word) that layer on aluminum foil and then flipped it over the top of the cheesecake. Aluminum foil made it stick a little bit, so I'd try my pie sheet next time.
I also made a few of these sweet blankets last month. At Black Friday sales I got four different soft flannel fabrics to make up some no-sew tie blankets for a few new babies that would be making their appearance within the next few months. The first two were boys, and since I only have girly fabric left I'm hoping the next to arrive is a girl or else I'll just have to do some more shopping. Scratch that, maybe I'll just go fabric shopping no matter what! I just love the chevrons! And the animal print on the other side that I also cut initials out of is pretty sweet too!