Ladders Make Great Tents!
Of course, second full day living in the house and I have a touch of the flu. Actually it's a bit reminiscent of how the week has gone. Not so much a grand adventure as several misadventures that usually resolve with far more ease than the panic they first induce.
We moved most of our things from the in-laws Saturday, but never quite finished with the mattress and the fridge because the hubby had to have some play time (hockey), too. With all the rain we didn't actually finish up until Tuesday night. I'm jumping ahead of myself tho...
Sunday night we came to do a few things and discovered a leak in the middle of the kitchen, new roof and all. The source seems to be the lack of flashing on the mud room roof, which is the only new exterior addition we added. Obviously I was freaking out over my brand new drywall, but by Tuesday it seems the leak had healed, at least until the next time we get a driving rain that blows at that perfect angle of havoc! Flashing that little section is a priority for the weekend!
It was pouring again Monday night so it wasn't until Tuesday night that we settled in, roasted alive from the heater going full blast, but a mostly good nights sleep anyways...Emma was only up 3 times coughing and using the bathroom...okay scratch that. We survived our first night with no ghostly visitors that I keep hearing about from people trying to get a rise out of me.

On to the next mishap; we have some water issues in our basement due to an underground spring/river in the vicinity. We have the solutions to this problem about half accomplished but not completely. I went down to the basement in the afternoon on Tuesday and found the hose for the sump pump had never got put back outside so it was just recirculating in the basement and there was an inch of water in the low spots of the basement. Yikes, considering I have a lot left to unpack from down there. We do have everything up on pallets, so I only had a few boxes that were wet due to various rummaging as I randomly looking for stuff. (Let's just say, packing makes alot more sense when you are doing it rather than undoing.) The worst was not knowing what to do about the rising water. I finally decided I had to try something, so I started pulling on the hose for the sump pump, realized the problem and managed to drag it halfway across the basement, up into the crawl space, crawl around a few pipes, and shove it out the one and only window.

Today was supposed to be a major laundry day, since yesterday I put my first load into the washer and then proceeded to leave the house for all bit 5 min of the load. Those five minutes were the ones I discovered the drain hose was not hooked into the drain but instead draining all over my bathroom floor. Sweet! And then laundry today kept getting sideswiped by the fact that my dryer blows the fuse halfway through each load. Okay when you know the problem, but it takes awhile to figure out exactly what's going on, especially when one flips the breakers the wrong way and really gets panicked about there being no power whatsoever.
Now if I could just get this stomach to settle I might sit up long enough to get those two loads folded and be on to the next mis-adventure!
And that lived in mess, I mentioned in my last post...appeared pretty quickly!