That being said part of the point of our summer bucket list is to focus on the fun things we do so I'm not always multi-tasking. Going out for breakfast was a fun memory for all of us and one of our favorite babysitters, who just happened to be our waitress.
We've also been making sure to take lots of pictures, another pin on our bucket, to document our summer. The clothespin that reads: laugh, makes Emma laugh in the hysterical faking it kind of way whenever we read over our pins, but also reminds me that she is loving this experience! And her continuos reminder that an amusement park is another pin, will make sure we don't forget that we have to head south in the next few weeks!

Today we will throw another clothespin into our bucket since we spent some time fingerpainting. Thanks to pinterest, I was able to combine that with another craft, taping out names on canvas. Once the tape is removed we will have an instant masterpiece to hang in the kids new room! I'm not sure if the fingerpainting or mixing the paint into one muddy mess was more fun. It took a bit of effort on my part to keep my fingers out of their "pies" and add my own improvements!
As for advice if you want to try this: My painters tape, at 1 inch, was too thick and so I had to cut each strip in half, making the name taping process pretty painful. Other supplies were craft paints (which washed off quite easily in the bath) and a small canvas from the dollar store. Emma had to be encouraged to paint all over the canvas, in order for her name to appear, instead of trying to paint a picture in one corner, so that took a little of the fun out of it for her. Actually, I think Emma would have enjoyed it more if she were given a paintbrush, but Tommy and paintbrushes can be troublesome. I gave Emma a wet wipe to keep her fingers clean when changing paint colors, but tommy wiped his down his legs. Either way they went straight to the bath and cleaned up quite nicely.
A fun afternoon that will look good on the wall!! Thanks pinterest!